Sure-Hop: Infield Mix Maintenance Guides

Using the best infield mix does not guarantee that your baseball or softball field will perform flawlessly.  Infields need regular maintenance. 

Keeping a proper grade on the field and managing the moisture level in the infield dirt are the two most important keys to success. 

Download and follow these infield maintenance guides to help your field perform its best.
Infield Maintenance Guide: Preseason & Pregame
Infield Preseason and Pregame Maintenance Guide
Tips for preparing your baseball and softball field for play. 
Best practices for preseason and pregame infield maintenance.
Infield Maintenance Guide: Postseason & Postgame
Infield Postseason and Postgame Maintenance Guide
Tips for caring for your baseball and softball field after games. 
Best practices for postseason and postgame infield maintenance.
View Matintenance Guides